Topic: Small feature request: Sweepable EQ point (Assign 3 eqpoints to a cc?)

It would be nice to be able to sweep an eq point that wasn't constrained by other points on each side. Now, to raise the amplitude of a single freq or narrow band\range, we set control points near each side of the point we want to eq. We can then assign the center control point's freq to a midi CC, but we can only slide it within the limitations of the two defining points on each of its sides. (If we move the point past one of those, an entire range of freqs shoots up.)

One way to accomplish this sweepable EQ would be to let us assign multiple EQ points to a one cc control. (Now, unlike with other instrument parameters, assigning one eq point to a cc erases any other eq point connections to the same cc.) That way, we could set up a single freq point bound by the two points on each side (set to 0), assign all three to a singe midi cc, and then move a slider or knob and hear the effect of the single eq change as we swept it across the spectrum.

Last edited by Jake Johnson (28-07-2009 19:24)