Topic: Preset that you can just swap out with whatever sample lib you use

I just uploaded a preset to replace any sort of "juiced" up romper style piano sound.  You know, the punchy sound that cuts through everything, including a 2 day old pizza crust.

It's funny that I couldn't even get this far with earlier versions, I'm glad I was able to get it this close to what I was looking for.  But there are still some problems, and I'm wondering if any dev person can lend me some knowledge.  It's particularly the c4-c5 zone, which has been the problem since the start of pianoteq..

mp3 here:

fxp here:

You can tell where i'm playing a short phrase from Lullaby of the Leaves, that the right hand part sounds very thin and strange.  I'm guessing it has to do with the micing position, but I couldn't find a good position that resembles a player's position + picked up good attack from the right hand..

If anyone has any insites, please share.  I'm pretty sure this sort of sound will really help users who need a usable jazz/blues/pop piano right away.  I mean, I'm just guessing, but there are tons and tons of users who stay away from pianoteq simply because it sounds too classic.  That's including myself.  So, I think it's important to offer strong and proven alternatives..

Last edited by kensuguro (12-03-2009 06:54)

Re: Preset that you can just swap out with whatever sample lib you use

Kensuguro, I have uploaded an fxp in the files section called "M3 for Ken (test1)". Not sure if it corresponds to what you are looking for... but I thought it might help adding 2 mics. I have also very slightly increased the unison width and the global resonance.

Re: Preset that you can just swap out with whatever sample lib you use

Hi Ken!
I don't know if you can use them...

Depending on your keyboard adjust p/m/f and/or velocurve

I like the M3 preset ( it reminds me on Bösendorfer when playing fast triplets)

ajusting the mic's is very tricky, every move makes so much difference.
I store every little move and listen to all the presets on another day. That makes it easier to compare.

Re: Preset that you can just swap out with whatever sample lib you use


Last edited by azrael4 (27-03-2009 16:05)

Re: Preset that you can just swap out with whatever sample lib you use

will check out the patches when I get time.  thanx for taking your time though.  I think it's very important to have one kick arse patch that a sample lib user (former) can take and just swap it out, and get pretty good results.  For me, I think going for samletekk TBO sound, and the general Yamaha sound (as mentioned in the p-250 thread) is a good compromise.  And then we can fan out from there.