Topic: If your stuff sounds good on a console, it'll sound good anywhere

I was trying to get a "worst case scenario" piano.  The dreaded, badly maintained spinet/console.  The tuning is whack and tension chords sound bad, the tones die out so fast you're forced to play lots of notes..  and worst of all, no matter how you change the touch, it all sounds just about the same.  Have you played a piano like that?  I certainly have.  It was a spinet that, for some reason, was in my language arts classroom...  had to be the worst I've ever played.  lol (incedentaly, I just friended my language arts teacher on facebook....  almost 15 years after graduating!)

Anyway, I thought it'd be fun to model that sound, and see if I could get anything to sound half decent on it.  I'm still not too good at playing (I compose) but it's good to be able to make stuff sound good in a wide range of situations.  Another interesting way "modeling" pianos can be used.



btw, does it annoy people that I post stuff about my patches?  IMHO, I wish more people would post details about their patches.

Last edited by kensuguro (18-04-2009 01:58)

Re: If your stuff sounds good on a console, it'll sound good anywhere

I'm annoyed that you ask if I'm annoyed....!   Regarding composing on a bad piano (or model thereof)... I think that there are definitely times when a particularly bad instrument is inspirational, but I think it has more to do with where you are, the moment and the lack of a better alternative.  I've got a 100 year plus old upright in a cabin on a lake and the humidity renders new notes unplayable every year.  I've got rubber bands doing the job of springs and I've even fashioned a replacement hammer out of scrap wood.  And yet, I've come up with some simple musical gems because, at that moment, it had sufficient milieu for inspiration -and there may have been wine present.   It's the same with banging out a bluesy riff on a cheap guitar.  But that said... if I've got Pianoteq in front of me and the choice of playing my favorite recording patch or a model of a worst case... well I gotta go with my favorite - ( which just might be someone else' worst case )  Now if I could only model a loose lid and action vibrating from way too much fortissimo but get that with an alternate controller and not by breaking plastic....

Last edited by Cellomangler (18-04-2009 02:51)
"Downing a fifth results in diminished capacity."